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PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest v1


Service Provider: National Social Security Office (NSSO)

Service that allows the Social Security partners to test the connectivity to the platform.


Service Contract PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest_v1.zip .zip - Nouvelle fenêtre
WDSL PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest_v1.wsdl Nouvelle fenêtre
Acceptation: release 1.2 08/01/2018
Simulation: release 1.2 15/01/2018
Production: release 1.2 15/01/2018
Version 1.2

Technical Info

Local name Namespace
PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest https://socialsecurity.be/PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest/v1


Endpoint Description
https://services.socialsecurity.be/PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest/v1 Service endpoint for Production environment via Internet (Security policy : SAML HOK).
https://services-sim.socialsecurity.be/PlatformIntegrationConsumerTest/v1 Service endpoint for Simulation environment via Internet (Security policy : SAML HOK).