{ "userType.html": { "windowTitle": "Access secure services - Log on", "introduction": "In what target audience would you like to log in?", "citizen": "Citizen", "enterprise": "Enterprise", "uman": "Enterprise", "professional": "Civil servant", "ehealth": "eHealth", "limosa": "Limosa", "csamTxt": "In association with" }, "limosa.html": { "windowTitle": "Limosa Authentication", "title": "Login", "subtitle": "With your Working in Belgium username and password", "login": "Log in", "user": "Username:", "forgotUser": "Forgot your username?", "password": "Password:", "forgotPassword": "Forgot your password?", "register": "Not yet registered?" }, "fase.html": { "windowTitle": "Login Authentication", "title": "LOGIN FOR ENTERPRISES", "introduction": "The online service you want to access is secured. Access is restricted to business enterprises only. Please log in with your username and password. This access system for enterprises is managed by Belgian Social Security.", "login": "Username:", "password": "Password:", "helpUser": "Help", "helpPwd": "Help", "forgot": "I forgot my password or I don't have one", "register": "I don't have a username / password yet ", "print": "Print this page", "helpdesk": "Helpdesk (in French)", "information": "Legal information (in French)", "href": { "helpdesk": "https://www.socialsecurity.be/site_fr/general/helpcentre/index.htm", "information": "https://www.socialsecurity.be/site_fr/general/rules/rules_employer_F.pdf", "helpUser": "help/en/displayhelpuser.html", "helpPwd": "help/en/displayhelppwd.html", "forgot": "https://www.socialsecurity.be/site_fr/general/helpcentre/index.htm", "register": "https://www.socialsecurity.be/site_fr/general/helpcentre/index.htm" }, "src": { "closewin": "assets/images/bttn_closewin_fr.gif", "webheader": "assets/images/socsec_webheader-fr.gif" } }, "upgradeAuthenticationLevel.html": { "windowTitle": "Higher security level required", "title": "Upgrade", "currentAuthnMethodTxt": "You are currently logged in with: ", "requiredAuthnMethodTxt": "The online service you want to access requires that you log in with: ", "reauthentification": "Continue", "csamTxt": "In association with", "unknown": "?", "uidpwd": "your username and password", "token": "your token", "totp": "a unique code, generated by a mobile app ", "itsme": "the itsme mobile app", "eid": "your electronic identity card (eID)", "myid": "myID.be" }, "enterprise.html": { "windowTitle": "Social Security Portal", "title": "Social Security Portal", "csamTxt": "In collaboration with", "CompanyID": "Enterprise number", "INSS": "National register number", "NIHIINbr": "NIHII number", "PharmacyNbr": "Pharmacy number", "EHPNbr": "EHP number" }, "passwordTemporary.html": { "windowTitle": "Choose your new password", "title": "Choose your new password", "subtitle": "Your personal data", "intro": "

You have received a temporary password by post. Please choose a new password to ensure the security of your account.

", "ssinLabel": "National Register No.", "password1Label": "New password", "password2Label": "Confirm your new password", "placeholder": { "ssinLabel": "National Register No.", "password1Label": "New password", "password2Label": "Confirm your new password" }, "value": { "saveButton": "Save" } }, "error-page.html": { "title": "Access secure services - Log on", "labels": { "error": "Error" }, "mapping": { "0": { "problem": "

Dear Visitor,

A technical error has occurred. Please close your browser and try again later.

", "solution": "

If the problem persists

Send the code {xxxxxxx} to our contact centre, which can be reached Monday to Friday from 7 am to 8 pm on +32 (0)2 511 51 51. Outside of these times, you can ask to be called back. An operator will contact you the next working day.

" }, "16": { "problem": "

Dear Visitor,

The system was not able to find the details of the organisations or institutions for which you are recognised.

Please try again later.

", "solution": "

If the problem persists

Get in touch with our contact centre and mention the code {xxxxxxx}. The contact centre can be reached Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm on +32 (0)2 511 51 51. Outside these hours, you can request a callback. An operator will then contact you the next working day.

" } } }, "help-page.html": { "title": "Access online services - Log in", "labels": { "error": "Help" }, "contactcenter": "

Get in touch with our contact centre, which is available from Monday to Friday between 7am and 8pm on 02 511 51 51.
Outside these hours, you can request for a return call in the course of the next business day.

", "mapping": { "1": { "title": "Incompatible session", "problem": "

Dear visitor

You are logged in, but in your current session you don’t have access to this online service.

", "solution": "

Please log out and then log in again.

Be careful! When logging out from your current session, you will be logged out from all online services on the social security portal at the same time.

", "contactenter": true }, "2": { "title": "Acces denied", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you do not yet have the required access rights for this online service.

", "solution": "

Please ask your Chief Access Manager to give you the necessary access rights.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "3": { "title": "Session expired", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Your session has expired.

", "solution": "

Please close the window and then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "4": { "title": "Incorrect national register number", "problem": "

Dear visitor

The national register number does not match the number for your session.

", "solution": "

Please log outand then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "5": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't have access to this online service, because you are not listed in our system.

", "solution": "

Are you the legal representative for your company?

In case you haven't appointed a Chief Access Manager for your company yet, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

In case you have already appointed one, please ask your Chief Access Manager to give you the necessary rights.

You are not the legal representative for your company?

Please ask your company's Chief Access Manager to give you the necessary rights.

Doesn't your company have a Chief Access Manager?Please ask the legal representative for your company to appoint a Chief Access Manager. Contact data of this legal representative can be found using the Public Search tool of the Crossroads Bank for Entreprises..

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "6": { "title": "Logging in required", "problem": "

Dear visitor

To select a capacity, you need to log in first.

", "solution": "

Please close the window and then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "7": { "title": "Wrong capacity", "problem": "

Dear visitor

You cannot log in in this capacity.

", "solution": "

Please log out and then log in again in a different capacity.

", "contactenter": true }, "8": { "title": "Wrong capacity", "problem": "

Dear visitor

You are already logged in a specific capacity.

", "solution": "

To log in in a different capacity, please log out and then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "9": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't yet have the necessary rights to access this page as a user of the Business type.

", "solution": "

Please check what capacity you selected upon logging in.

If you believe to have logged in correctly, please contact the Chief Access Manager of your company to acquire the necessary access rights.

In case your company does not have a Chief Access Manager, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "10": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't yet have the necessary rights to access this page as a user of the type Professional.

", "solution": "

Please check what capacity you selected upon logging in.

If you believe you have logged in correctly, please contact your Chief Access Manager to acquire the necessary access rights.

In case your organisation does not have a Chief Access Manager, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "11": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't yet have the necessary rights to access this page as a user of the type Healthcare Professional.

", "solution": "

Please check what capacity you selected upon logging in.

If you believe you have logged in correctly, please contact your Chief Access Manager to acquire the necessary access rights.

In case your organisation does not have a Chief Access Manager, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "12": { "title": "Session expired", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Your session has expired.

", "solution": "

Please close the window and then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "13": { "title": "Logging in not possible for this target audience", "problem": "

Dear visitor

The target audience you selected (Citizen, Company, Professional) doesn’t have access to this online service.

", "solution": "

Please check what target audience you selected while logging in.

If you believe you have logged in correctly, please log out and then log in again.

", "contactenter": true }, "14": { "title": "Incorrect access network", "problem": "

Dear visitor

You cannot access an online service on the internet entering from the social security extranet.

", "solution": "

Please log in again on the right network.

", "contactenter": true }, "15": { "title": "Incorrect access network", "problem": "

Dear visitor

You cannot access an online service on the social security extranet entering from the internet.

", "solution": "

Please log in again on the right network.

", "contactenter": true }, "17": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't yet have the necessary rights to access this page as a user of the type Company or Professional.

", "solution": "

Please check what capacity you selected upon logging in.

If you believe you have logged in correctly, please contact the Chief Access Manager of your organisation to acquire the necessary access rights.

In case your company does not have a Chief Access Manager, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "18": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't have access to this online service, because you are not listed in our system yet.

", "solution": "

Please ask the Chief Access Manager within your company to give you the necessary access rights.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "19": { "title": "Profile is being created", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Your request for activation is currently being processed by our operators.

", "solution": "

Please get in touch with the Chief Access Manager, who will receive a confirmation email after this process has been completed. Without this confirmation email, there is no use in trying to log in once more.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "20": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't have access to this online service, because you are not listed in our system yet.

", "solution": "

Please ask the Chief Access Manager within your company to give you the necessary access rights.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true }, "21": { "title": "Unlisted profile", "problem": "

Dear visitor

Unfortunately you don't have access to this online service, because you are not listed in our system yet.

", "solution": "

Are you the legal representative for your company?

In case you haven't appointed a Chief Access Manager for your company yet, please follow the procedure as explained on CSAM.

In case you have already appointed one, please ask your Chief Access Manager to give you the necessary rights.

You are not the legal representative for your company?

Please ask your company's Chief Access Manager to give you the necessary rights.

Doesn't your company have a Chief Access Manager?Please ask the legal representative for your company to appoint a Chief Access Manager. Contact data of this legal representative can be found using the Public Search tool of the Crossroads Bank for Entreprises.

What is a Chief Access Manager?

The Chief Access Manager, appointed by the person in charge of the company, can be a company employee or a business manager, an administrator or a partner of the company.

The Chief Access Manager manages all access to the company’s online services.

For more information check the related page of the Belgian social security portal (in French).

", "contactenter": true } } }, "login.html": { "pageTitle": "Get access to secure services - Log on", "h1": "Get access to secure services", "h2": "", "helpBlock": "

Please note! Liberal professions and organisations that have submitted a request for temporary access for urgent Limosa declarations should log on here.

", "eid_title": "With your electronic identity card (eID)", "token_title": "With your token", "topt_title": "With a unique code, generated by a mobile app", "itsme_title": "With the itsme mobile app", "uid_title": "With your access codes", "uid_help_0": "More info on secure access (in French).", "uid_help_1": "I have no password or have forgotten it (in French)", "uid_help_2": "My enterprise does not yet have access (in French)", "optout_title": "With your access codes", "optout_text_0": "You are using a User Name and a Password to authenticate yourself on the Social Security portal?", "optout_text_1": "Please choose a safer option", "optout_text_2": "A username and a password might seem faster and easier to use at first glance, but they are actually less secure and could potentially harm the digital safety of your company and its data.", "optout_link": "Reinforce your company’s safety", "optout_ignore": "Keep using the less safe option
(only option for persons not residing in Belgium)", "href": { "csam": "/idp/AuthenticationSelector?loginMethod=token", "uid_help_0": "/site_fr/general/helpcentre/index.htm", "uid_help_1": "/site_fr/general/helpcentre/registration/register/forget.htm", "uid_help_2": "/site_fr/general/helpcentre/registration/register/index.htm", "optout_link": "https://www.oubliezvotremotdepasse.be" }, "title": { "uid_help_0": "More info on secure access (in French).", "uid_help_1": "I have no password, or I have forgotten it (in French)", "uid_help_2": "My enterprise does not yet have access (in French)" }, "limosaWarningTxt": "Please note: Liberal professions and organisations that have submitted a temporary access request for urgent Limosa declarations should ", "limosaLinkTxt": "log in here", "external_link": "External link", "csam": "Log in", "uman": "Log in", "footer_csamTxt": "In collaboration with", "intro": "", "copyright": "", "form_username_label": "Username", "form_password_label": "Password", "form_submit_label": "Log in", "placeholder": { "username": "Username", "password": "Password" }, "alertUrl": "/site_fr/general/news/webappAlertPortailEn.htm" }, "error.code": { "50": "This combination of username/password is unknown.", "51": "Your username is valid, but the time to authenticate with your temporary password has expired. You can use your electronic ID card or reapply to receive a new password.", "101": "Please enter your National Register number.", "102": "Part of your National Register number is missing. Please enter the complete number.", "103": "Your National Register number is not correctly formatted. Please use the following format: 99999999999", "104": "The National Register identification number does not correspond to the one provided to us in writing.", "105": "The second password entered is different from the first.", "106": "The password entered does not meet the required specifications.", "title": "Connection error", "close": "Close" } }