If the contract need the employee signature on MyCareer. In case of document to be signed by employee, date in format YYYYMMDD when the document will be removed if not signed yet. A notification is sent to this mails when employee has signed the document. If contract is interim, here are the infos of the using employer. 00014 - CBE number of the employer 00024 - INSS of the worker 000131 CBE number of using employer. Only for interim contract. XXXXX Category of contract/document : CONTRACT_BASE = Base contract ; CONTRACT_AMENDMENT = Emendment to a base contract ; PAYSLIP = Payslip Features that identifies the 2 or 3 persons involved in the contract 1 = Néerlandais ; 2 = Français ; 3 = Allemand ; 4 = Anglais Permanent or temporary contract duration. Need to be extended with values Defined word and Remplacement to match the law : need 4 vfalues : 0 undefined ending date ; 1 defined ending date ; [NEW] 2 Strictly defined work ; [NEW] 3 Remplacement Begin date of contract End date of contract Full time or Part time Nb of working hours per week HoursCount_conversion1 Average working hours per week HoursCount_conversion1 N° Dimona of contract 00885 - Define contract duration: 0 undefined ending date ; 1 defined ending date ; 2 Strictly defined work ; 3 Remplacement 00910 - Begin date of contract 00911 - End date of contract 00050 - Define working time 0=Full time 1=Part time 00048 - Number of working hours per week 00049 - Number of working hours per week for a reference person 00913 - Dimona number related to the contract ATDO01 - Category of contract/document ATDO02 - If the contract need the employee signature on MyCareer. ATDO03 - In case of document to be signed by employee, date in format YYYYMMDD when the document will be removed if not signed yet. ATDO04 - A notification is sent to this mails when employee has signed the document. 01086 01047 - 1 = Néerlandais ; 2 = Français ; 3 = Allemand ; 4 = Anglais All metadatas about the archived document